MARC – The Hunter,
founded the store back in the 1990s, building a reputation for excellent customer services; he’s our buyer. He also hunts for comics throughout Canada and the States. Since he has read a large amount of the comics in the shop, he will be happy to help you find what you need. (A great Comic Book Guy!)
Aude… |
Nathan… |
Marc-André… |
is our bag & board specialist, she’s one of
our most devoted and patient volunteers ever! She’s Marc’s mom!
is devoted to keep track of all the paperwork & helps in accounting! She’s Marc’s aunt!
is our public relations person! She’s Marc’s squeeze !
Special thanks to all former & current staffs and volunteers, who helped us along the way ! Namely: Natasha, Kevin, Cody, Mario, Martine, Nicholas & Nikola, Jessica, Hugues, Daniel & Daniel, Donald, Louissimon, Joël, Jonathan, Roch, François & François, Stéphane, Adam, Corinne, Cédric, Raphaël, Yoan, Jade, Alexandra, Sandra, Christina, Minh, Albert, Pierre-Olivier, Steve, Mireille, Maude, Marie-Chantal, Alejandro, Simon, Tristan, Mac-Xime, Rita, Olivier, Conan, Anaïs, Christian, Nicolas, Jérôme, Emma, Eva, Benjamin, Marc-André, Jamie, Élodie, Nadia, Karl
and all the others…
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